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Released At March 18, 2025
Building a Deep Research APP with o3-mini
a new agentic capability that conducts multi-step research on the internet for complex tasks. It accomplishes in tens of minutes what would take a human many hours.

Released At March 18, 2025
Getting started with Claude MCP
The Model Context Protocol is an open standard that enables developers to build secure, two-way connections between their data sources and AI-powered tools.

Released At November 14, 2024
How to deploy Nest.js microservices using Kubernetes
The aim of the project is to use Nest.js to build a microservice project that communicate via gRPC and a gateway service to expose API, use RabbitMQ to handle message queues, and ELK for log management. Finally, Docker and Kubernetes will be used for building and deploying those services.

Released At October 25, 2023
Vite 源码解析(4) - 开发服务篇
我们在解析完配置, 创建了插件容器之后, 要想运行一个开发环境, 并且持续的给客户端发送热更新 module, 开发服务是必不可少的, 本篇我们来讲一讲 vite 的开发 server 环境, 中间件机制, 以及如何监听文件的改动, 并通过 ws 发送给客户端的. 值得注意的是, 早期 vite 用的 koa 一把梭, 到了后面开始自己卷了个开发服务, 整体大同小异, 下面我们来逐一分析下.

Released At October 24, 2023
Vite 源码解析(3) - 插件篇
无论是 webpack 还是 vite, 插件机制都极大的扩展了这些打包器的深度和广度, 这一篇我们深入 Vite 的插件机制, 了解它是如何运作的.